The Ocean Cleanup Nonprofit

The Ocean Cleanup Nonprofit

It's not me virtue signaling when I say that I honestly feel guilty every time I throw away another bag of trash. 

Our way of garbage collecting makes it super easy to forget where our trash goes after it gets whisked away by city workers. We never have to think about each bag of trash ever again once it's gone.....but is it ever really gone? The plastic we throw away can easily outlive us by a long shot....and how is that not disturbing AF????!!

Every single human being on earth is connected to every single other human being and all living things. Not only that but we are also intrinsically connected to all humans to came before us, and also all humans who will come after us. We are the ancestors of the future, and we should feel connected to their well-being, we should love them like our own, because we are them. I love people I've never met, and I want them thrive on an earth as rich in abundance as I have experienced. <3

That is why I feel a pang of guilt every time I throw a bag of trash away, because it doesn't just magically disappear in the trash makes its way to the dump or gets burned and creates more problems for the environment, especially our oceans and waterways. 

I have traveled to each side of this beautiful country as well as our third coast here in Texas, and I have enjoyed the coastal views and vibes far and wide, from New England to South Carolina to Florida, to the Pacific Northwest all the way down the 101 highway to San I deeply appreciate our oceans and the wonderful service that they provide to all life on earth....this is what inspires my ocean resin artwork, when I create waves with resin I am meditating on my ocean experiences- the salty crisp air, the sea gulls crying, the waves crashing, the breeze blowing, children laughing, my sun kissed skin... all of these memories are poured into my resin wave artworks.

I just feel like I need to pay it forward in a way, and give back to the oceans some of what they have given to me throughout my life in the form of amazing experiences and views formed around these magnificent bodies of water, so I am going to make a very transparent 50% donation to The Ocean Cleanup nonprofit on any ocean wave resin artwork that I sell. 

It won't make me feel any less guilty for the trash that I throw away every day, but at least it's something :)

Cheers <3 xo

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